Edible School Gardens

Edible School Gardens

Yolo Farm to Fork is planting the seeds of healthy living through 14 school gardens within Woodland and West Sacramento . The program empowers K-12 students to learn how to grow, harvest and eat healthy, fresh produce at school, while sustaining edible gardens at their school sites.

Since the fall of 2016 Yolo Farm to Fork has grown, harvested, cleaned, and served over 24,000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables in school meals.

Fourteen schools are enrolled in the project: Beamer, Dingle, Gibson, Maxwell, Plainfield, Prairie, Whitehead Elementary schools, Lee and Gibson Middle Schools and Woodland Senior High School in Woodland JUSD and, Stonegate, Elkhorn Village, and Westfield Village Elementary schools, Bryte CAFFE  Career & College Training in Washington USD.

Grant funding and sponsorships cover the cost of all garden materials, stipends for college student interns, project coordination and evaluation. We also publish a year 2022-23 Garden Guide Handbook to assist all schools in planting, growing, harvesting protocols to ensure that healthy garden produce is served in school cafeterias. Food Service Directors in Woodland Joint and Washington Unified School Districts have trained their cafeteria staff members to receive, prepare and serve fresh garden produce.

For more information about our Edible School Gardens, email Jewelia Flores or call (530) 302-5795.

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