Edible School Gardens

School Gardens

Do you need help to create a garden in your school in Yolo County? 

Contact us: info@yolofarmtofork.com

We can help:
- Finding donated material to build raised beds
- Advising you on the irrigation system
-Providing stipends for College Student Interns
- Covering the cost of all garden materials through sponsorships
- Providing Garden Guide activities for all seasons
- Creating the seasonal crops plan with you
- Training some members of your staff

Yolo Farm to Fork is already planting the seeds of healthy living through 14 school gardens within Woodland and West Sacramento . The program empowers K-12 students to learn how to grow, harvest and eat healthy, fresh produce at school, while sustaining edible gardens at their school sites.

Since the fall of 2016, Yolo Farm to Fork has created 67 school gardens, where we have grown, harvested, cleaned, and served over 24,000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables.

For more information about our School Gardens, email Jewelia Flores or call 707-597-9421.

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