We use a diversified fundraising model that provides the resources and stability to sustain our edible school gardens into the future. We receive no government funding, but instead collaborate and partner with local agriculture businesses, restaurants, school districts, parent-teacher associations, charitable foundations, and nonprofits to financially support our program and raise awareness about the value of garden-centered and farm-based education.
Financial accountability and good stewardship are the foundation of trust. You deserve to know how your investment is used, and we’re committed to being transparent about what we do and how we do it. We want you to have the utmost confidence that your gifts are bringing a positive impact on the lives of children, their health and education.
Yolo Farm to Fork is recognized as a
Candid GuideStar Platinum
charity. This means you can rest even easier knowing we are a trustworthy nonprofit making a real difference.
Candid GuideStar
is the world’s largest information service focusing on nonprofit organizations. GuideStar strives to strengthen the nonprofit sector by providing better data for better decision-making that ultimately helps to create a better world. It provides current, authoritative data, including tax information that allows for transparency.